Cancellation policy

Any cancellations made within 48 hours will result in a 50% appointment fee and any within 24 hours of the appointment will be expected to be paid for (100%) in full before another appointment is accepted. This is due to being unable to fill that appointment within such a short notice period and therefore loss in revenue.

Booking Deposit policy

We take a 50% deposit on all bookings, this aligns with out cancellation policy. Cancellation within 48 hours of your appointment will result in forfeiture of your deposit. Cancellation within 24 hours of your appointment will result in forfeiture of your deposit and require the remainder of the appointment cost (full payment).

Rescheduling your appointment must be done outside of 48 hours for a new appointment within 7 days of your appointment already booked, to benefit from a deferred deposit from your original appointment to the new appointment. One reschedule per appointment, if your new rescheduled appointment is then rescheduled again the cancellation policy comes into affect. If you reschedule within 48 hours of your appointment this will come under the cancellation policy.

Disclaimer: For those that do not understand, 48 hours is equal to TWO days and minutes/hours will not be argued for this policy. For example, If you cancel your appointment scheduled for a Wednesday on the Monday it comes under the 50% payment. If your appointment is at 16:00 on a Friday and you cancel at 15:00 on a Wednesday, this comes under our 50% policy just because it is 49 hours rather than 48 does not mean that you do not need to pay.